Insurance + Technology + Entrepreneurship + Vision = KASKO
As a tech company with a deep understanding of the insurance industry, we combine the best of the insurance and the digital worlds - it's a unique combination you’ll be hard pressed to find anywhere else. Oh, and we do it with a sense of fun and style too!
Nikolaus Sühr
CEO & Co-Founder 10+ years in insurance and strategy consulting
Kristaps Smelēns
Senior Software Engineer
Stivens Lesters Berlinskis
Software Engineer
Monta Kasparsone
Software Engineer
Roberts Salna
Senior Software Engineer
Tatiana Kupeczki
Head of Legal and Compliance
Oliver Müller
Senior Business Developer
Sniedze Ieva Davidsone
PM Support Specialist
Matthew Wardle
CTO & Co-Founder 10+ years in tech startups and IT consultancy
Mārcis Bergmanis
Senior Software Engineer
Senior Systems Engineer
Niklavs Emils Eglitis
Software Engineer
Mārtiņš Stūrnieks
COO/ Head of Project Delivery
Daniels Stabulis
Software Engineer
Olga Karpunina
QA Engineer
Chief Happiness Officer
Sergej Tolz
Chief Sales & Strategy Officer
Toms Tumšais
Senior Software Engineer
Annalena Lorenz
Project Manager
Beatrise Janberga
QA Team Lead
Karolina Biernacka
Project Manager
Bela Böhme
Administrative Assistant
Kristaps Nogobods
Software Engineer
Chief Woof Officer
Eddie Chua
Finance Manager/Regional Head, Asia
Oksana Stīna
Head of People & Culture
Vic Li
Project Manager
Janis Davidsons
Software Engineer
Selina Kristin Pira
Head of Marketing
Aleksandrs Ralovecs
Senior Software Engineer
Jessica Zwahlen
Junior Compliance Analyst
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